صيادي الناس

Message from the Monthly Flyer from October 2013

Be an Intercessor

James 5:16b The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

Do you want to be a person who has a great influence upon this world? A short while ago, I heard a man of God from the USA say the following- Christians who pray and can touch God in intercession are the people who really make a great impact in this world!

The view of this world is that the truly influential people are those who hold powerful positions in politics, possess a lot of money, or have a great name in the military sphere, in the economy, or in society. Other influential personalities are able to reach many people through the media or their books. However, all these people are not really the ones who have the greatest influence upon the world events and destinies of the nations. In reality, it is Christians who pray and can touch God in intercession, they are the people who truly make a great impact in this world!

Their names are not found in the headlines, they probably lead a simple life and would not be honored in the world for it, and yet they can do great things, and even do that which seems impossible in human eyes, for it is only God alone who is able to perform that which seems impossible. The news is full of crises, threats and accusations which are intended to create chaos, however, only God knows what is really behind it all and the motives. Pray to God that His will may be done and stand in the gap for the need of the people.

Pray and bless and be assured that God has everything under control.

Be an intercessor and move God's heart and arm with your prayer. ra

Additional verses to study: 2. Chronicles 7:14; Jeremiah 29:7; 1. Thessalonians 5:17; 1. Timothy 2:1-6; 1. Peter 3:12,4:8; Revelations 8:3-4

صيادي الناس

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