Be Still and Know Jesus Is the Only Almighty God

“But there were false prophets also among the people…and bring upon themselves swift destruction.” (2 PETER 2:1-13).

Be still and know that I am GodMy beloved brethren, the apostle Peter and servant of Jesus warns us about problems that will occur within the church in this second epistle and reminds us also of what happened in the past. Specifically how Christians should live to be victorious over the enemy of our souls and what will happen to the false teachers and prophets on the day of judgement.

Truly, this is the season where snakes will appear like sheep and show signs in our sights so; we cannot slumber or sleep. But we must stay steadfast and stand for the truth because no system, stranger or stronghold can steal the showers of blessing our good Shepherd has in store for us or stop the strength and sweet name of Jesus our Savior and Heavenly Father.

It is no secret that some church services have singing and shouting with no substance or significance, but sound more like secular shows because they have strayed from the truth. Furthermore, they do not search the scriptures in the Bible and are not sensitive to God’s Spirit or His still small voice that speaks to us.

Many also have sold their souls to Satan by becoming slaves for selfish substances and may even set a snare to seduce others. But they forget the Bible states that those who sow iniquity shall reap sorrow and many will be shocked and shamed when the sound of the trumpet signals the second coming of Jesus. Only those who stayed on the straight and narrow street that leads to eternal salvation will be saved upon His return.

For we know that our God’s hands are not short that He cannot seek and save the lost. His blood will save any stranger because He was slain and sacrificed for our shame and sinfulness, yet still He surpassed the sky and sun because of His supernatural power. No sprinkle of water can save us, but only the full submersion of the body in Jesus Name baptism can wash us white as snow. Let us therefore continue to submit and surrender to our single source of support and shield as we offer our supplications and sacrifices to Jesus, the Sovereign Supremacy! As we speak, His Spirit surrounds and saturates us and we should be not afraid, even unto death. Jesus is the rock on which we stand, and all other soil is sinking sand.

The spoken Word of God is sharper than any two edged sword or spear, piercing even the dividing asunder of our soul and spirit; stronger than any structure or subject; and safer than any security service or surveillance system. It was symbolic when David slayed the enemy with his slingshot and a single stone, therefore no sorcery, sickness, shadow of death, or situation can separate us from the sweet love of God. So as the selected and skilled soldiers of Jesus our Heavenly Father and God, let our lights continue to shine like the stars and sun beyond the sky in the solar system and stay strategic like the shark in the seas as we steer and sail through every storm!

Parvesh Bhola, Guest Writer
Guyana, South America

Article from Network of Prayer